Economic Development Partners
Nebraska Department of Economic Development (NDED)
Is the official lead economic development agency for the State of Nebraska, NDED’s mission is to provide quality leadership and services that enable Nebraska communities, businesses and people to succeed in a global economy. NDED strives to achieve this by emphasizing the growth and diversification of the State’s economic base and bringing new dollars & jobs into the State.
Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD)
NPPD is Nebraska’s largest electric utility with a chartered territory that includes all or parts of 91 of Nebraska’s 93 counties. NPPD has an economic development team located throughout the State that is ready to help communities and economic development groups with a variety of assistance efforts including, but not limited to proposal assistance, research and data gathering, and strategic planning.
Perennial Public Power District
Perennial Pubilc Power District actively participates in the development of the communities in their service area. Through leadership roles and financial committments, they contribute to economic development and business expansion within their service territory. In York County, their service territory is everything outside of the City of York's city limits.
Black Hills Energy
Black Hills Energy’s economic development program assists businesses with implementing expansion plans as well as assisting communities with their business retention, expansion, and recruitment efforts.
Southeast Nebraska Development District (SENDD)
SENDD‘s main objective is to encourage cooperation between local government officials, community based organizations and the private sector to build communities, empower families and advance businesses. SENDD has a 15 county service territory that includes the following member counties: Fillmore, Gage, Jefferson, Johnson, Nemaha, Otoe, Pawnee, Polk, Richardson, Saline, Saunders, Seward, Thayer, and York.
Lincoln Area Development (LAD)
LAD markets regional assets through the combined resources of member communities with the goals of creating new jobs, increasing investment into the region, broadening the tax base, increasing the per capita income and diversifying the economy. Members include: Auburn, Black Hills Energy, Crete, Falls City, Gage County, Lincoln/Lancaster County, Pawnee City, Seward County, and York County.
Nebraska Economic Developers Association (NEDA)
NEDA is an association of professional economic developers dedicated to the prosperous growth of Nebraska’s business climate. NEDA’s purpose is to foster economic development in Nebraska, encourage the advancement of the expertise of its members, foster cooperation among economic development professionals and to afford professional economic developers a vehicle for assembly and collective expression.
Nebraska Diplomats
With a membership of more than 475 business executive and community leaders, the Nebraska Diplomats Inc. is the largest economic development organization in Nebraska. The Nebraska Diplomats form alliances with other Nebraska economic development organizations to promote the state’s productive business climate and its unique quality of life. The Nebraska Diplomats Inc. is a nonprofit corporation. The Diplomats organization provides a connection to Nebraska leaders without political, organizational, or geographic restrictions.
York Area Chamber of Commerce
The York Area Chamber of Commerce represents over 360 businesses, organizations and individuals. The Chamber is here to assist existing and new businesses and to encourage growth in the area. The Chamber sponsors numerous events as well as hosting educational programs to enhance the business environment. York Main Street Association is dedicated to improving the downtown district into a vibrant place to do business, provide entertainment, and housing.
Henderson Chamber of Commerce
The Henderson Chamber of Commerce is a community and area-wide Chamber with members from several of the surrounding communities. The mission of the Henderson Chamber is to provide Community Improvement through business promotion. This is accomplished by assisting businesses to prosper and grow, promoting our local business community to a global audience, increasing area employment opportunities, encouraging expansion and development, advocating for quality of life, and setting progressive community goals.
York County Visitors Bureau
Whether it’s business, convention, reunion, meeting, festival, stop-over, special occasion or just the desire to get out of town that brings you here, we welcome you to “Experience York” at the Crossroads of the Midwest! We feature 700 rooms available at our fine lodging properties, a nationally-recognized restaurant, a million dollar-plus collection of marbles in one of the only marble museums in the country, the birthplace of one of the founding fathers of the Academy Awards, an awarding-winning working 1920’s-era farm site, an authentic Mennonite heritage museum/park, live theatre at one on Nebraska’s longest, continuously-running community playhouses and home of Nebraska’s Annual PEEP Show, which are just some of our special, unique reasons to visit, stay, and play in York County.
York Community Foundation
The York Community Foundation is a publicly supported, non-profit organization founded in 1984. In 1985, the Foundation was granted 501(c)3 tax exempt status. Gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible. The Foundation is structured to receive gifts of any size. Our mission is to utilize charitable funds to strengthen and improve the community for the benefit of all its citizens. The Foundation accomplishes its mission by awarding grants to qualified non-profit organizations and by awarding scholarships to deserving students.