Central Valley Ag

2803 N Nebraska Avenue• PO Box 429• York, NE 68467
United States

Central Valley Ag is a farmer-owned cooperative committed to growing their business and serving their customers. Their ongoing commitment is to help each member-owner achieve individual success.

Central Valley Ag's Photo

CVA is focused on providing the highest quality, value added products and services to respond to continually changing customer needs. Their goal is to grow agriculture together with their customers to help feed the growing population. 

CVA will strive to make sure they continue to be a financially strong supplier long into the future. They remain committed to successfully pursuing an aggressive growth journey by focusing on:  maintaining strong relationships with their member-owners, building and retaining a diverse pool of talented employees, exceeding customer expectations as a valued and total solutions partner, and upholding a commitment to corporate citizenship in their local communities.

They look forward to serving you and future generations with your ever-changing agriculture supply needs at the following locations across Nebraska & Kansas. 

Dedicated Professionals Providing Innovative Solutions That Yield Profit For Their Customers

To be a world-class cooperative ensuring the long-term success of their employees and customers.

Core Values
Integrity: They value the highest ethical standard demonstrating honesty in every action they take. They believe their promise is their most vital product – their word is their bond.  The relationships that are critical to their success depend entirely on maintaining the highest ethical and moral standards.
People:  They believe in the inherent worth of people. Their people are the engine of value creation; our imagination, determination and dedication are essential to success.  ThET are committed to providing an environment that is safe and fosters personal growth and development.
Constant Innovation: They believe that meaningful, productive change- solving problems- only comes by looking at challenges and opportunities from new angles and exercising curiosity. They will be creative in delivering value to their customers. They anticipate change and capitalize on the many opportunities that arise.
Lifelong Learning: Development, learning and growing are a life-journey that transforms and inspires them. By focusing on constant learning they become a stronger partner to their customer, to adapt to a changing business world.
Success:  They value the competitive spirit; the passion to work, persevere and overcome all obstacles. They will focus on meeting each challenge, rising above the competition and winning.