Nebraska Department of Labor

2317 N 6th St, STE 3• Beatrice, NE 68310
United States

Connecting people to employment success.


Nebraska Department of Labor's Photo

Nebraska Department of Labor (NDOL) job centers are helping Nebraskans accelerate their return to the workforce.  A network of 14 job centers provide reemployment services to job seekers, as well as help employers find talent and programs that fit their needs. The job centers host job fairs and provide resume and interview assistance, as well as administer programs such as the following:

  • Registered Apprenticeships
  • On-the-Job Training
  • Customized Training
  • Worker Training Grants
  • Youth Earn and Learn
  • Reemployment Program
  • Dislocated Worker Program
  • SNAP Next Step (Administered Jointly with DHHS)
  • Veteran Services
  • Reentry Services

The Department has released new videos detailing services available to dislocated workers.  The videos can be found on the Department’s YouTube channel, along with videos detailing Registered Apprenticeships.

In the case of On-the-Job Training or Customized Training, funds can be used to train a new hire for a skilled position, or to train a current entry level employee into a more skilled position that pays higher, opening up an entry level position for a new hire (for whom you could also receive financial assistance). 

Business consultants conduct a needs assessment with employers to identify opportunities and make recommendations. For employers who need additional ways to broaden their applicant pool, employing individuals who have previously been involved with the justice system can make them eligible for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit program or federal fidelity bonds.

The job centers assist workers and employers with utilizing to post jobs and recruit employees. NEworks scrapes in jobs from other websites and is a valuable tool to increase visibility of job postings and resumes. There are currently over 40,000 jobs posted on the site, including H3 jobs (High Wage, High Skill, High Demand).

More information about NDOL’s reemployment services can be found at and

Nebraska Department of Labor Information



