York County Corn Growers

2345 N Nebraska Avenue• York, NE 68467
United States

Their mission is to promote and enhance Corn Growers through market development, research, education, and stewardship. The equivalent of 100% of the corn produced in York County will be processed (including through livestock) or exported as a value-added product. Ideally, a net bushel of corn will never leave York County in its raw form.

The York County Corn Growers Association (YCCGA) is a local grass roots organization that  promotes corn production and usage in the York area. Your YCCGA membership automatically makes you a member of the Nebraska Corn Growers Association (NeCGA) and the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA).  The many benefits of membership to these organizations can be found in the Annual Meeting booklet.

This past year has seen a couple of positive developments for area producers. In September, the Nebraska Department of Agriculture designated York County as a "Livestock Friendly County", which could potentially increase the numbers of livestock fed locally and in turn increase the demand for grains raised locally. Pellet Technology, USA, announced that it would be constructing a plant in York that will utilize corn stover to produce feed and other products. If you have been out in the countryside recently, you have probably seen a lot of activity with large square bales being moved in fields and to the northwest edge of York. During these challenging time of profitability, many producers are seeing this as an opportunity to provide a new revenue stream to their operations. All producers have had to sharpen their pencils trying to find ways to control input costs and improve their marketing skills in order to just maintain their operations in 2016. While always trying to remain optimistic, we could be in for more of the same in the next year.

The Nebraska Corn license plates were released in August for those who applied. There are over 30 of them in York County alone. If you are interested in getting one, contact a board member or NeCGA. In an effort to get people to think about the importance of corn production in York County, YCCGA has developed a "York County Corn" sticker that we will begin distributing at the banquet. For the 21st consecutive year, YCCGA presented a $500 scholarship to a York county student who plans to further their education in an ag-related field. Brayden Obermier of Waco was the recipient in 2016. Other activities included: manning booths at the County Fair and the 1st annual York Ag Expo; assisting at the "Ethanol Night at the Races" at Junction Motor Speedway in McCool; Yorkfest parade; Husker Harvest Days booth (NeCGA); sponsorship and participation in the NeCGA Corn Grower Open golf tourney at the York Country Club; and the York County Club; and the York County Corn Grower plot.

In closing, I want to thank all of the directors for their time and commitment during their. There are many opportunities for leadership and involvement in YCCGA. If you have any interest in becoming more involved or have ideas that our board could incorporate, please visit with me or any of our board members. We can make a difference in the future of our industry!

Boyd Stuhr, Jr.
President York County Corn Growers

York County Corn Growers Information



