January 25, 2021
As the State of Nebraska and York County readies to move to Phase IB in its Covid-19 vaccination plan, York General wants to inform the general public about the plans going forward. The site of the vaccination clinic for York General will be the West View Medical Building (2319 North Lincoln Avenue). Vaccines in York County will be offered on an age groups basis, and York General will start with residents who are 90 years of age currently or turn 90 in the year 2021.
“Our allocation of vaccines is limited to 100 per week at this time,” said York General Chief Operating Officer Jenny Obermier. “We will follow the Phase 1B prioritization and tier structure as outlined by Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. In Tier 1B, we will start with the eldest individuals first. For the Phase 1B prioritization please refer to the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services website.”
[Residents at York General Hearthstone and York General Willow Brook Assisted Living have already been vaccinated and do not count against our 100-dose allotment.]
Obermier continued “We ask that everyone put our elder population first. We understand that people are anxious to get the vaccine. Advanced age will take precedence first and foremost; as risk of death from COVID-19 rises with age. Note that the Moderna vaccine that we are currently allotted comes in 10-dose vials. We have not wasted a single dose yet, and that is our mantra as we go forward . . . we will not waste a single dose. Know that once a vial is opened we have 6 hours to administer those doses.”
“Our goal is to distribute the vaccine as fairly, equitably, and quickly as possible,” explained Obermier. “We will utilize the York General website, social media, the York News-Times, MaxCountry, and Kool Radio to communicate this information of which age groups are eligible each week. I encourage you to stay in contact as we are hopeful that our allotment will increase to more than 100 per week in the days ahead. The situation is very fluid, and things are evolving very quickly.”
Dr. Joseph Erwin, York Medical Clinic, added “I want to emphasize that York General and York Medical Clinic will both follow the age guidelines per the state of Nebraska. I have seen firsthand how COVID has affected our elder population . . . we ask the public to be patient, to stay informed, and to reach out to neighbors and loved ones to make sure they are aware.”
Important points:
- The distribution will begin with the age group of 90 and up and the move down in subsequent weeks
- Clinic dates and times will be set based upon allocation per week. These will be announced on the radio, York News-Times, York General website, and social media.
- Bring one person with you if you will require help to get in and out of the building
- If we run out of vaccine on any particular week and you have come into the clinic, your name will be put on a list -- you will be prioritized for the next week
- The York General vaccine allocation is meant to serve those individuals who reside in York County and they will have priority to the vaccines, yet we understand there are individuals who reside outside of the county and receive their medical care in York.
- The other vaccine providers in York County include Henderson Health Care, York Medical Clinic, and Four Corners Health Department.
- The vaccine we are currently receiving and providing is the Moderna vaccine, for information about this vaccine, please go to the York General website, YorkGeneral.org. It is a 2 vaccine series, given at least 28 days apart.
- Please review the Emergency Use Authorization at www.modernatx.com prior to arrival
- You cannot receive the vaccine if you are COVID + and/or experiencing symptoms of COVID on the day of your vaccine
- You cannot receive the vaccine if you are within 90 days of receiving the monoclonal antibody for the treatment of COVID 19
- Everyone coming to the clinic has to wear a mask
- Plan on at least 30 minutes for the vaccine process (potential waiting time, registration, administration, observation post-vaccine)
- If you have questions regarding if you should receive the vaccine, please contact your Physician or Physician Assistant
- Wearing a short-sleeve shirt helps us to access your arm to give the vaccine
Need more info?
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services website: dhhs.ne.gov
Four Corners Health Department website: fourcorners.ne.gov
York General on Facebook: facebook.com/YorkGeneral
York General on Instagram: york_general
Leslie Robinson
York General Marketing Director
direct line - (402) 363-6625
2222 N Lincoln Avenue, York, NE 68467