York County Health Coalition May 2020 Update & Events
May 6, 2020
May is Mental Health and Trauma Awareness Month, a time to acknowledge that mental health is essential for all of us. These last 6 weeks haven't been easy, with many of us losing jobs, connections, routines, loved ones, and more. It has been a time marked with grief and adjustment. Yet it has also been a time marked with creation and new life. We have seen new programs created, new sources of funding released, new ideas of rest and connection, and some have welcomed new family members. As we move into this month of May, I look forward to continuing to take notice of the new--new opportunities, new friendships, new solutions, and new hope in knowing we are #NotAlone.
Continuing reading for information on upcoming events and resources.
Upcoming Events:
May Coalition Meeting
We will meet virtually on Friday, May 15 from 10:00am-11:15am. This month Katherine Lacy from ServNebraska will share information on the benefits of AmeriCore members and grants to help build capacity for meeting local needs. COVID-19 has spotlighted both known and unknown needs in our communities, and ServNebraska provides funding to Nebraska organizations to use services opportunities as a tool to address local issues. Additionally, we will hear updates on the work of our Subcommittees. Follow the link to register https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZclf-yhrTIpGtJl5eicIzH60YNUrjeSCo1J
#GivingTuesdayNow on May 5th
In response to the needs of COVID-19, #GivingTuesday, usually in December, has launched #GivingTuesdayNow, a global movement that encourages giving to take place on Tuesday, May 5, 2020. Community members around the world are encouraged to give relief from loneliness and isolation by reaching out to neighbors, older populations and unconnected youth; to give support to essential workers in healthcare, food, grocery stores, childcare, education and more; and to give supplies and donations to organizations you see making a difference.
Featured Resources:
Legal Aid of Nebraska
Legal Aid of Nebraska provides free, civil legal assistance to low income and elder Nebraskans, and to victims of domestic and sexual violence and elder abuse and financial exploitation. Their hotlines are up and running; here is the link with information regarding all of our hotlines, numbers and hours: https://www.legalaidofnebraska.org/how-we-help/call-for-help/. Legal Aid of Nebraska also has a COVID-19 Legal Hotline and COVID-19 Legal Resource Page. The COVID-19 Legal Hotline number is 1-844-268-5627 and is open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Please encourage your clients and others to contact Legal Aid if they need legal assistance with matters such as domestic, sexual, and elder violence and abuse; elder financial exploitation; unemployment; eviction; debt collection and/or garnishment; denial of government benefits such as SNAP, ADC, and Medicaid; or other legal matters.
Erin Sams, Coordinator
York County Health Coalition
1100 N Lincoln Ave | Ste C1
York, Nebraska 68467
Office Phone: 402.745.6604