York County Health Coalition July 2020 Update
July 6, 2020
Happy July!
James Plath is credited with saying, "The best endings resonate because they echo a word, phrase, or image from earlier in the story, prompting the reader to think back to that reference and speculate on a deeper meaning." Many of you have already heard that I am leaving the role of Coordinator. Here, in my last monthly update, I want to thank each of you for your curiosity about, work on and dedication to the well-being of York County residents. It has been a gift to meet so many of you from the education, health, human service, finance, mental/behavioral health, faith community and government sectors. During my time with the Coalition, collaborations have increased and initiatives that were small ideas 3 years ago have taken root. Within that growth resonates the core of what YCHC aims to be: a space for those dedicated to the well-being of children, youth, and families to collaborate on ideas that expand possibilities and resources that inspire hope. And so, moving forward through this transition, may our work continue to echo this and the deeper meanings of community well-being.
Coalition meeting: Our virtual meeting will be held on Friday, July 17 from 10:00 am-11:15 am. This month Angle Dale from Four Corners Health Department will share information on their Online Directory. This is a rescheduled presentation from March 2020. Attached you will find the Resource Directory Worksheet. This information will guide your organization in providing information to add to the Online Directory. To register for the meeting click here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtdeGqrTsvHdbvIAKXeKYjJVKi7-TyAhNF
COVID-19 Assistance: Assistance continues to be available for York County Households affected by COVID-19. With the start of the new reporting year for our funders in partnership with Nebraska Children, we have updated the application paperwork on our website. This update provides a more consistent way to articulate needs across the state in conjunction with other Community Collaboratives. If families or individuals are struggling to complete the form, they are welcomed to call our office at 402.745.6604.
Community CARES Act: During the last week of May, Governor Ricketts announced as part of the Community CARE funds to assist and support food, housing, and telehealth needs related to COVID-19. These funds were split into three (3) grant opportunities with the Department of Health and Human Services recently announcing the application process, for three grants:
1. Community CARES Stabilization Grant: One-time payment of at least $12,000 for a charitable organization and the eligible provider organization. The applicant must have sustained increased costs and/or lower revenue/income due to COVID-19. Total Allocation: $40 million.
2. Community CARES Response & Recovery Grant (traditional grant): Competitive grant for non-profits and eligible providers organizations that will help children, families, and communities respond to and recover from the impacts of COVID-19. Awards are expected to be between $50,000-$2,000,000. Total Allocation: $43 million
3. Communities CARES Healthy Places Grant: One-time payment of a t least $250 for licensed childcare providers, license-exempt subsidy child care providers and centers of worship. Total Allocation: $2 million.
*To find out more about the grants, application process and deadlines visit: http://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/covid-19-community-cares.aspx
211 Online Directory: This online Directory is hosted by United Way of Midlands. Attached you will find the Resource Form for your organization to submit information on the resource and services you offer. To learn more about the website and to see if your organization is listed, visit https://www.211iowa.org/ (*Please note: The website covers Iowa and Nebraska.)
Aunt Bertha Online Directory: Brandee Nice recently shared information on Aunt Bertha, an online resource directory to connect people with services. To learn more about the network and to see if your organization is listed visit https://www.auntbertha.com/
Erin Sams, Coordinator
York County Health Coalition
1100 N Lincoln Ave | Ste C1
York, Nebraska 68467
Office Phone: 402.745.6604